The adolescent protagonist of the title story, like other girls in this pioneering collection, rebels against her father, refusing to go to Mass. Instead, dressed in her black Easter shoes and carrying her missal and veil, she goes to her abuelita's house. Her grandmother has always accepted her for who she is and has provided a safe refuge from the anger and violence at home.
The eight haunting stories included in this collection explore the social, economic and cultural impositions that shape women's lives. Girls on the threshold of puberty rebel against their fathers, struggle to understand their sexuality and, in two stories, deal with the ramifications of pregnancy. Other women struggle against the limitations of marriage and the Catholic religion, which seek to keep them subservient to the men in their lives. Prejudice and social and economic status form the backdrop as women fight—with varying degrees of success—to break free from oppression.
Shedding light on the complex lives and experiences of Chicana/Latina girls and women, this bilingual edition containing the first-ever Spanish translation of Viramontes' debut collection, The Moths and Other Stories, will make this landmark work available to a wider audience.